Jose Eduardo Dos Santos with his wife, daughter Isabel, and son-in-law Sandika Dokolo

Two major events in Africa over the last two weeks appear to signal the dawn of a new era. First, the event much publicized: Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe resigned as a President following a bloodless stance against him by his former comrades and freedom fighters in the movement of the Zimbabwe independence. Second, the quiet event in Angola, but significant enough to be comparable to what happened in Zimbabwe.

Read more …Angola's new President Joao Lourenco Sacks Jose Eduardo Dos Santos' Daughter: Is the End of...

Jubilation at the Zimbabwean's parliament as Robert Mugabe resigns

As AfroAmerica Network predicted (see here) Robert Mugabe resigned as Zimbabwe’s president on Tuesday, November 21, 2017, a week after the Zimbabwean army and many of his former freedom fighters comrades moved against him. His resignation ends his reign of 37 years. At 93-year-271-day-old, he was the oldest current serving state leader by age.

Read more … Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe Peacefully Resigns As President

Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe leads university commencement, on Nov 17, 2017

The reign of one of the longest serving African dictators is about to end. 93 year-old Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe's hopes of handing power to his wife, Grace Mugabe, appear to be vanishing after his comrades in the Zimbabwean independence freedom resistance movement have finally taken a stand against his autocratic rule and the population has widely supported the end of his reign. But Robert Mugabe is not alone. There are many more tyrants like him across Africa.

Read more …Is the end of Robert Mugabe's reign signaling the doom of African tyrants clinging to power?

Diane Rwigara and relatives rearrested after being returned home

Diane Shima Rwigara, a leading critic of Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame has been rearrested along with her relatives, including her mother and her sister Anne Rwigara, a few hours after being returned home in the middle of the night by Rwandan security operatives.

Read more … Rwanda: Opposition Leader Diane Rwigara, Publicly Rearrested After Being Returned Home

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