Cardinal Monsengwo and Bishops: The targeted Catholic Church brokered now the defunct accord of December 31, 2016

On January 27, 2018, AfroAmerica Network reported on the secret meetings in Davos, and then in Addis-Abeba, between Rwandan General Paul Kagame and the delegation of  Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) opposition leaders, Moise Katumbi and Mbusa Nyamwisi. Despite unconvincing, often awkward denials by Moise Katumbi's spokesperson Olivier Kamitatu, to the point of labelling AfroAmerika Network's article "fake news" and by Mbusa Nyamwisi, who denied the Davos meeting, while affirming that he had just arrived in Addis-Ababa, after spending days in Europe, the meetings in Davos and then in Addis-Ababa, between Paul Kagame and the delegation of Moise Katumbi and Mbusa Nyamwisi did happen. Several  news media outlets around the World confirmed AfroAmerica Network's report.  The question is: what was said in those meetings. 

Read more …Meetings Between Paul Kagame and Moise Katumbi and Mbusa Nyamwisi Delegation in Davos and...

Congolese opposition leader Moise Katumbi, when he was still Governor of Katanga Province

Sources close to Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) opposition leader, Moise Katumbi, have told AfroAmerica Network that during the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, between January 23-26, Rwandan Paul Kagame invited and met opposition leaders, including Moise Katumbi and Mbusa Nyamwisi.  Paul Kagame flew the Congolese leaders  through Austria to Davos. The timing and purpose of the meetings between Paul Kagame and Congolese opposition leaders appear puzzling. Immediate questions include: why the meeting now, in Davos and in Addis-Abeba?  why meeting the Congolese opposition leaders, but not Rwandan opposition leaders?  and why Moise Katumbi and Mbusa Nyamwisi?

Read more …Rwandan General Paul Kagame Meets Congolese Opposition Leaders, Moise Katumbi and Mbusa Nyamwisi,...

President Joseph Kabila's private residence in North-Kivu set ablaze on Dec 25, 2017

In the night of December 24 to 25, 2017, unidentified individuals burnt the private residence of Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila  located in Musienene, Lubero, North-Kivu Province, DRC. Based on the live pictures received by AfroAmerica Network (see the images gallery of the fire progression, received by AfroAmerica Network), the entire residence was completely destroyed, including vehicles in the garage.

Read more …President Joseph Kabila's Private Home Housing Rwandan Special Forces Set Ablaze

MONUSCO base near Semiliki river, Eastern DRC

In the evening of December 7, 2017, around 5PM, a UN Peacekeeping Forces base located on the banks of the Semuliki river in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was attacked by an armed group. At least 15 United Nations peacekeepers were killed and dozens wounded. Three peacekeepers went missing. One has since been found. It was one of the deadliest attacks on the international peace keeping forces in years, U.N. officials reported on Friday December 8, 2017.

Based on news reports, AfroAmerica Network investigations, and conversations with FARDC and United Nations

Read more …U.N. peacekeepers killed in attack in Congo: Questions remain on attackers

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