Adeline Rwigara and relatives ruffled by police officers, Oct 5, 2018

On Friday Oct 5, 2018, Diane Shima Rwigara, a leading critic of Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame and opposition leader, was released from prison on bail, along with her mother Adeline Mukamugemanyi-Rwigara.  

Read more … Rwanda: Opposition Leader Diane Rwigara and her Mother Adeline Released from Jail on Bail

Victoire Ingabire (center) and Kizito Mihigo (left), at their release on Sep 15, 2018

On Saturday Sep 15, 2018, Rwandan opposition leader Victoire Ingabire,  star musician Kizito Mihigo and more than 2000 prisoners were released  early from jail. The release follows a decision by Rwandan dictator General Paul Kagame  to commute sentence of or pardon some prisoners in a crowded Rwandan jail system. Most of the prisoners, including Victoire Ingabire and Kizito Mihigo had been thrown into jail for political reasons.

Read more … Rwandan opposition leader Victoire Ingabire and 2,100 Others Released from Prison

DRC Elections: some of the main opposition leaders in a meeting in Jan 2018

Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary,  the candidate of the Common Front for Congo (FCC) is the ideal dauphin of Joseph Kabila for the presidential elections planned in December 2018 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).  He matches the expectations so nicely, that some analysts believe that Joseph Kabila will easily achieve his goal:  staying in power, after appeasing and manipulating  the internation community and organizing elections that will never happen.

Read more …DRC Elections: Joseph Kabila's Dauphin and the Strategy to Remain in Power

DRC Elections: Chaos during Dec 31, 2016 agreement signature

Joseph Kabila has finally announced his candidate to replace him as the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The dauphin is  Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, a former minister and  the Permanent secretary of the presidential party. He  has long been one of the closest associates to and point men of Joseph Kabila. Hence, as the candidate of Joseph Kabila's Front Commun for Congo (FCC) in  December 23rd, 2018 elections, he is a viable candidate. The fact that Joseph Kabila chose Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary has major pluses and minuses.

Read more …Joseph Kabila appoints his dauphin: the good and the bad

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