AroniSmartInvest & AroniSmartLytics: Stock Segmentation, Sentiment Analytics and Machine Learning

AroniSmart™ tools's customers, including savvy investors, advanced analytics, data science, and machine learning experts and practitioners, academics, students have given improvement ideas and AroniSmart Team has listened, anticipated, and acted: AroniSmartLytics™ and AroniSmartInvest™ have made advances to inform investment decisions.

Read more …AroniSmartInvest & AroniSmartLytics: Combining advanced Stock Segmentation, Sentiment and Text...

Summary of What's New in the Latest Version 5.1.5 of AroniSmartInvest™ 

 AroniSmartInvest ™ is a cutting-edge analytical tool for fundamental investors. Fundamental investors rely on the fundamental investing method, a proven, reliable, and long-term approach that seeks to identify promising valuable stocks by analyzing the fundamentals data of the underlying companies,  such as earnings, EPS, ratios, and revenues. 

The new version of AroniSmartInvest includes the following:

Read more …AroniSmartInvest™: New Improved Version Available on Apple Store® with News and RSS Feeds Reader,...

Summary of What's New in The Latest Version of AroniSmartInvest™ 

 AroniSmartInvest ™ is a cutting-edge analytical tool for fundamental investors. Fundamental investors rely on the fundamental investing method, a proven, reliable, and long-term approach that seeks to identify promising valuable stocks by analyzing the fundamentals data of the underlying companies,  such as earnings, EPS,  ratios, and revenues. 

The new version of AroniSmartInvest ™ includes the following:

Read more …AroniSmartInvest™: New Capabilities, News and RSS Feeds Reader, Text Mining and Analysis, Tag Clouds


AroniSmartInvest Tutorial Part 1: Stocks and Portfolio Performance and Stocks Segmentation

AroniSmartInvest Tutorial Part 1: Stocks and Portfolio Performance and Stocks Segmentation. This is part 1 of a series of tutorials on AronISmartInvest™. The tutorial covers launching AroniSmartInvest, web refreshing stock values and ratios with the latest performance data, historical performance analysis, market profile, stocks segmentation, RSS feeds, and portfolio management

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