Kenyans erupt in joy after Supreme Court ruling annulling presidential elections results

The Supreme Court of Kenya has made history in Africa, by a ruling which annulled the declaration of President Uhuru Kenyatta as the winner of the 2017 presidential election. With the ruling, which ordered a fresh election, Kenyans will go back to the polls in 60 days to elect a president.

Read more …Kenya: Supreme Court Annuls Presidential Elections Results, Setting A Historical Precedent in...

Diane Rwigara andher mother walk to the Electoral Commission

Sources in Kigali confirmed to AfroAmerica Network that Diane Shima Rwigara, a leading critic of Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame has been arrested along with relatives, including her mother and siblings.

Read more …Rwanda: Diane Rwigara, a Prominent Opposition Leader Against the Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame,...

Congolese protest against Joseph Kabila whom they call Hypolite Kanambe, a Rwandan operative

Congo for Congolese, Rwanda for Rwandans. Get Out, Joseph Kabila Kanambe slogan.

On Monday August 7, 2017, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC),  demonstrators held signs asking President Joseph Kabila, whom they call Hypolite Kanambe, to get out of the country and accusing him of being a Rwandan operative. The signs read, "Congo for Congolese. Rwanda for Rwandans. Get out, Hypolite Kanambe known as Kabila and your brothers !!!".

Read more …DRC: Protests and Rebellions Against Joseph Kabila and Kidnappings and Killings of Opposition...

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