AroniSmartIntelligence ™ is one of the most advanced analytics tools with Machine Leaning, Data Science, Statistics, Econometrics, NLP Text and Sentiment analysis, Neural Network, and Support Vector Machine capabilities.
AroniSmartIntelligence ™, available on Apple's App Store®, is intended, very useful, and handy for experts, professionals, and college and graduate students in Statistics, Machine Learning, Quantitative Business Analytics, Data Science, Econometrics, STEM, Operations Research, and other related fields. It includes a detailed Handbook and a well crafted and instructive User's manual. It is a cutting-edge analytical tool for advanced analytics and developing actionable insights without the hassle of coding.
Why AroniSmartIntelligence™?
Machine Learning and Data Science Models are gradually and fastly improving and becoming the center of advanced analytics, business intelligence, decision making, management science, data science, and other areas in which sound informed decisions are needed. Yet, the area continues to be both exciting and intriguing, while remaining the needed tool to generate valuable analytical insights to support decision making and advanced research.
A critical area includes advanced and accurate machine learning, econometrics, and predictive models built on sound Data Science capabilities. These analytical opportunies have been the major focus of advances analytics for businesses, institutions and individuals try to uncover or grow opportunities, make significant advances in research, addressing critical needs or solving problems.
AroniSmartIntelligence™ already has the capabilities covering the key areas of interest in Machine Learning and Data Science. The modules are well developped and implemented and include strong analytical methods to help advanced analytics experts, statisticians, econometricians, machine learning analysts, data scientists, Text mining experts, and big data analysts to find the best models, generate analytics and insights, and refine existing models to better address their business and research needs. However, a contonuous improvement is needed, and hence the new version of AroniSmartIntelligence™.
AroniSmartIntelligence: A Smart Tool for Machine Learning and Data Science?
Given the increasing importance of the foundations in advanced analytics, machine learning and data science, AroniSmartIntelligence ™, one of the most advanced analytics tools with Big Data, Statistics, Econometrics, Machine Leaning, Text and Sentiment analysis, Neural Network, Support Vector Machine capabilities, has implemented, optimized and continually improved the key needed modules including Neural Networks, Econometrics, Time Series, Bayesian Models, Support Vector Machine, Big Data Analytics, and Text Analytics.
Advanced Analytics tools and capabilities, for all categories of statisticians, data scientists, econometricians, practitioners and students?
Statisticians, Data Scientists, Marketers, Business and Financial Analysts, Savvy Investors, Engineers, Researchers, Students, Teachers, Economists, Political Analysts, and most of the practitioners use Advanced Analytics to generate insights, to answer business and scientific questions, to allocate resources, and to support informed decision making or to learn. AroniSmartIntelligence™ is the tool to leverage, with advanced technologies, methodologies, and utilities behind a user friendly interface.
With the increasing role of advanced Marketing Mix predictive models, the Multiplicative Models and LogLog Models, built on a sound Data Scinece capabilities the latest version of AroniSmartIntelligence™ has improved capabilitieswith efficient data preparation to increase the accuracy, while maintaining the prrediction power of the Multiplicative, LogLog, and General Linear models critical for the Marketing Mix modelling.
AroniSmartIntelligence, the leading tool for Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning & Data Science
Statisticians, Data Scientists, Business and Financial Analysts, Savvy Investors, Engineers, Researchers, Students, Teachers, Economists, Political Analysts, and most of the practitioners use Advanced Analytics to answer questions, to support informed decision making or to learn.
AroniSmartIntelligence™ is a leading Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Science tool, with optimized cutting edge Statistics models, Econometrics, Big Data and Text Analytics.
AronismartIntelligence™ includes modules covering Machine Learning, Big Data mining, Bayesian Statistics, Neural Network Models, Unstructured Text Analysis, Sentiment and Emotion Analytics, and other advanced analytics.
What are the New or Improved Modules and Capabilities?
AroniSmartIntelligence™ includes the following modules and features, with most of them having been improved in the new version:
- Basic and Advanced Statistical Concepts and Learnings:
- a detailed handbook that covers the most compelling statistics concepts;
- In depth review of nonparametric and parametric tests;
- A comprehensive overview of the common probability distributions;
- A guide on probability distributions and their relationships
- A guide on how to select appropriate statistical tests
- Ability to use own data from various sources, in various efficient and effective formats:
- Aroni format
- Text in folders
- Text in a file, with aroni format
- Applied Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, and Economoetrics:
- Linear Regression Analysis, including Ridge Regression, Pace Regression, Logistic, Legendre Polynomial, Robust, Polynomial, Stochastic Gradient Descent, and many more
- Regression with Mixed Effects models and multilevel modeling of hierarchical and longitudinal data;
- Econometrics and Marketing Mix models
- Segmentation and Clustering
- Discriminant Analysis and Classification
- Finite Mixture and General Mixture models
- Text Analytics
- Text mining
- Sentiment Analytics and Sentiment Valence analysis
- advanced algorithms to handle acronyms, emojis, shortcuts, and boosters, including ALL CAPS, new shortcuts or acronyms, such as LOL!, OMG!, etc.
- Advanced Words and Tags Cloud and
- Sentiment 3D network visualization
- Big Data Analytics, with Map-Reduce capabilities;
- Bayesian Statistics:
- Bayes network models
- Naive Bayes
- One Dependence Estimator
- Neural Network Models
- MultiLayer Perceptron models
- Machine Learning capabilities build on Support Vection Machine Methodologies, with:
- Sequential Minimal Optimization
- Gaussian Processes
- Support Vector Regression
- Graphing Capabilities
- Histograms, scattergrams, pie charts, etc.
- Networks graphs
- Words clouds
- Editable Analysis outputs
- Bayesian Network
- Network Visualization
AroniSmartIntelligence™ is a leading Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Science tool, with optimized cutting edge Statistics models, Econometrics, Neural Networks, Big Data and Text Analytics.
AronismartIntelligence™ includes modules covering Machine Learning and Big Data mining, Unstructured Text Analysis, Sentiment and Emotion Analytics, Bayesian Statistics, Neural Networks, and other advanced analytics.
AroniSmartIntelligence™ Handbook and Manual: Click here to download a presentation in pdf format
AroniSmartIntelligence™ Data loading and Descriptive statistics: Click here to download a presentation in pdf format
AroniSmartIntelligence™ Statistical Inference and Testing: Click here to download a presentation in pdf format
- AroniSmartIntelligence™ Regression Analysis and Time Series : Click here to download a presentation in pdf format
- AroniSmartInttelligence™ Big Data Text Mining: Click here to download a presentation in pdf format
- AroniSmartInttelligence™ Segmentation and Mixture Models: Click here to download a presentation in pdf format
- AroniSmartInttelligence™ Bayesian Models: Click here to download a presentation in pdf format
- AroniSmartInttelligence™ Neural Network Models: Click here to download a presentation in pdf format
What is next?
The new version of AroniSmartIntelligence™ that includes improved Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Science is available on Apple's App Store®.
More detailed information on the capabilities of AroniSmartIntelligence™ is available in the tool on Apple®'s App Store and on the AroniSoft web site(
Check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) here.
More detailed use cases, real life applications, and AroniSmart Tools in actions can be found on on the AroniSmart web site ( Check the following tabs: ABOUT US, SOLUTIONS, SCITECH, MONEY.
GET ARONISMARTINVEST, A LEADING INVESTMENT RESEARCH TOOL, BASED ON Advanced Analytics, machine Learning and Data Science on App Store -- click here 
@2022 AroniSoft LLC
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