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Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Sep 29, 2020: "Would You Shut Up Man"

US Canada

The much anticipated first debate between US President Joe Biden and  former President Donald Trump occurred on Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM EST in Atlanta, Georgia. However, as expected  the highlights were more on the drama, the distanced skirmishes and the clashes between the two US presidential candidates, marked by bitter attacks,  demeaning each other and strong stances. This time, the debate organizers did not allow talking over each other as it happened in previous debates  when  the behaviors led to  an apparent dismay of the debate moderators and the impression of comic acts. But still, some dramatic moments were  unavoidable.

Read more …US 2024 Presidential Elections: First Debate Marred by Skirmishes and Showdown between President...

US President Joe Biden signs the Juneteenth National Holiday bill with Opal Lee attending, June 17 2021

US Canada

 June 19th, 2024, the US  nation is celebrating Juneteenth as a National Holiday. The celebration of what is now known as the Second Independence Day is the fourth  following the event held on Thursday, June 17, 2020,  when US President Joe Biden signed a bill into law, making June 19 a national holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved black Americans. This year, the Juneteenth celebration will focus on the history of our ancestors and  "Their Wildest Dreams", and the present accomplishments and progress  affirmation of every person's right to equity and dignity.  

Read more …USA: 2024 Juneteenth National Holiday to Honor Ancestors and Their Wildest Dreams

Claudia Sheinbaum, First Elected Woman President of Mexico in June 2024

US Canada

From the beginning of the year 2024  to the days leading to June 2024, across the  World, general elections have been held.  Based on the published results or as the votes are still being counted and the results put together, many challenges have been faced while new firsts were uncovered.  In most countries, people are expecting changes, while in some, the situation has not improved and tough days may be coming. AfroAmerica Network has focused on a few elections held or planned in 2024.. Among the elections with several challenges or  significant firsts are Mexico, South Africa, India, Senegal, Chad. Meanwhile, other countries, including UK, USA, Rwanda, and Namibia,  are expecting key  elections. Controversial elections  in Rwanda and UK are scheduled for July 2024.

Read more …Africa - America - Asia - Europe 2024 Elections: Infighting, Breaking Glass Ceilings, Tyrants,...

Protests in Nairobi, Kenya on June 25, 2024


Kenya has been experiencing popular protests. The protests are from people, especially the youth and young adults tired of the economic hardship and financial woes, blamed on longterm widespread corruption  and the lack of accountability and transparency within the Kenyan government. Over the last days, the protests have become violent with protestors setting ablaze the city hall,  the governor's office,  and the country's parliament in the capital Nairobi and the police shooting dead many protesters. The protests are getting the support of political activists and opposition leaders across Africa and the World, while William Ruto is being labelled the next incompetent African dictator.  

Read more …Africa - Kenya: Facing Widespread Protests with Bloodshed, is Kenyan President William Ruto...

Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame vs Rwandan Activist Yvonne Idamange Iryamugwiza, Feb 2021


Over a long period, a pattern of repression, crimes, assassinations and kidnappings have marked the Rwandan regime under the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) since 1994, ruled by the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame. Despite well documented proofs, these crimes and repressions  appeared to be overlooked by the international community, influential media, and other main organizations. Even Western Democracies have seemed to overlook these crimes and bloody repression and continued to support and  welcome Paul Kagame and other RPF leaders.  In May 2024, the nonprofit organization Forbidden Stories, under the Rwanda Classified project, published results of  cover investigations on the crimes and repression committed by the Rwandan regime. The findings show horrific actions, leading to questions on what is next for the Rwandan regime and its leaders.

Read more …Rwanda - World: Forbidden Stories' Rwanda Classified Investigation Exposes Crimes by Paul Kagame's...

DR Congo New Government on May 28, 2024


After months of government of  impasse, uncertainty, dissension, and waiting the leaders of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) has appointed a new government. The new government was expected to be smaller, with the goal to reduce the cost but ended up  having  almost the same size as the previous one. With the wars going on in Eastern DR Congo and a recent failed coup attempt, the expectations from the new government are very high.  

Read more …DR Congo: After Months of Delay, Finally A New Government and More Expectations

Bologna Archbishop Cardinal Matteo Zuppi


Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna and President of the Italian Bishops' Conference, has started the Ukraine peace mission. His mission was acknowledged by  Russia government, around two weeks after Pope Francis officially entrusted Cardinal Matteo Zuppi with  Ukraine peace mission as Vatican Holy See tries to help ease the tensions in the conflict in Ukraine. Cardinal Matteo Zuppi has a long experience in conflict resolutions, especially in Africa. a member of the Community of Sant’Egidio, in helping broker a peace agreement that ended the 17-year civil war in Mozambique in 1992. He also facilitated the peace processes negotiations in Rome, between 2007 and 2009,  of what is known as the Kisangani Process, a series of negotiations between the government of Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the leaders of the Rwandan opposition organization, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), composed of Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana) and Rally of the Rwandan People (RPR).

Read more …Russia-Ukraine: Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Facilitator of DR Congo Government and Rwandan NDC...

European Union Condemns Rwandan Government for Systematic Human rights Abuses October 7, 2021


 Thursday October 7, 2021 The European Parliament representatives (MEPs) adopted a resolution against the repressive actions and systematic human rights abuses by the Rwandan government. One of the highlighted repressive actions is the  kidnapping, detention in abusive conditions, denial of legal representation and fair trial, and unjustly condemnation  to 25 years of a Rwandan opposition leader, Paul Rusesabagina.  AfroAmerica Network has obtained information that the European Union and other powerful countries are working on resolutions to impose sanctions against the Rwandan government in general and, more specifically, some Rwandan political and military leaders. 

Read more …Europe-Rwanda: European Union, UK, and US Reportedly Working on Sanctions Against Rwandan...

European Union Condemns Rwandan Government for Systematic Human rights Abuses October 7, 2021


The government of Rwanda has to immediately release a Rwandan opposition leader, Paul Rusesabagina, held in prison after being kidnapped, detained in abusive conditions, denied of legal representation and fair trial, and unjustly condemned to 25 years and to ensure his safe return to his country of residence, The European Parliament representatives (MEPs)  has concluded.

The conclusion was reached following a plenary debate on Thursday October 7, 2021 by MEPs. The MEPs adopted a resolution against the actions of the Rwandan government, by 660 votes in favour, 2 against, and 18 abstentions.

Read more …Europe-Rwanda: European Union Condemns Rwandan Government for Systematic Human rights Abuses and...

DRC President Felix Tshisekedi and China President Xi Jinping, May 25, 2023


On May 25, 2023 Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi visited China and (China), and exchanged with the Congolese community living in China. During his visit that was officially about the economic cooperation between DRC and China, Felix Tshisekedi evoked the invasion of DRC by Rwandan troops under the cover of M23 rebels, the collaboration between the EAC force and the M23 rebels, and the potential open wars with Rwanda. After the visit, many questions were raised regarding the peace in the Great Region of Africa and the role of the super powers in the conflict between DRC and Rwanda.?

Read more …DRC-China-USA-Rwanda: On a visit in China, DRC Felix Tshisekedi Evokes Getting Ready for Open War...

The Model ASEAN Meeting 2015 organised by the ASEAN Foundation promises an authentic experience to understand ASEAN.

Read more …ASEAN Foundation First Model ASEAN Meeting 2015

General Electric is planning to move 500 jobs overseas, citing the Export-Import Bank expiration.

Read more …Ex-Im Bank expiry prompts GE to ship 500 jobs overseas

Paul Kagame, Louise Mishikiwabo receiving a delegation from the United Arab Emirates in Kigali in June 2015

Middle East

The Rwandan Government is considering sending demobilized Rwandan Defenses Forces (RDF) soldiers and surrendered former Rwandan rebels to prop troops fighting in Yemen up, sources in Kigali tell AfroAmerica Network. According to the sources, the agreement is still under discussion between Rwandan officials and  negotiators from the coalition in the Middle East fighting

Read more …Rwandan Mercenaries to Be Sent to Yemen, Sources in Rwanda Allege

US President Obama in Kuala Lumpur Vows to Defeat Terrorism

Middle East

"In that regard, we need to unite. We need to show global solidarity to address the common enemy of ISIL, Daesh, some other extremists and terrorist groups ... [we] highly commended the leadership of the Russian Federation together with the United States to address some of the root causes of terrorism," the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said, during the Annual East Asia Summit in Kuala Lumpur, calling on Russia and the United States to join their efforts to combat terrorism.

Read more …The UN Secretary General Crafting A Global Strategy to Defeat Terrorism: What Strategy?

EU interior ministers have approved a controversial plan to relocate 120,000 migrants across the continent over the next two years.

Read more …EU ministers approve disputed quota plan

Jan. 8, 1959 Associated Press file photo; Cuba's Fidel Castro speaks at the Batista military base "Columbia," now known as Ciudad Libertad, in Cuba.

South America

Fidel Castro, the former Revolutionary leader of Cuba has died. The news was announced by his brother Raoul Castro, the current leader of Cuba. 

"The commander in chief of the Cuban revolution died at 22:29 hours this evening," President Raul Castro said on Friday, November 25, 2016.

President Raoul Castro said, in a message to the Cuban nation the nation broadcasted on state television that Fidel Castro had died and will  be cremated on Saturday, November 26,

Read more …Revolutionary Cuban Leader Fidel Castro dies at 90.

FARC leaders and combatants

South America

Is the longest running war in the Americas finally ending? Six weeks after the previous deal was rejected by the popular vote, the two opponents , Colombia’s government and the largest rebel group in the country, known as  

Read more …Colombia Opponents Try Again to End Longest Running War in the Americas: A Model for African...

FARC leader Timochenko and Colombia President Santos shake hands at the Peace agreement ceremony in Cuba in Sept. 2016

South America

The longest running war in the Americas was supposed to end last week. Unfortunately, Colombians narrowly rejected the deal in a vote  on Oct 2, 2016, resetting the clock for further negotiations. Despite the setback, today on Oct 7, 2016, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the 52-year conflict.

Read more …Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Wins Nobel Prize for His Efforts To End Longest Running War...

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