Vital Kamerhe (center) chats with political dialogue participants in Kinshasa, on Sep 1st, 2016

On Thursday September 1st, 2016, the much anticipated political dialogue in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) opened in Kinshasa with a solemn ceremony. The organisation of the political dialogue, facilitated by the African Union envoy, Edem Kodjo, had been in works for some time. Considered improbable at some point because of the opposition refusal to attend, only recently did it become possible when one of the main leaders of the opposition, Vital Kamerhe, decided to change his mind. He leads the National Congolese Union (UNC). Other opposition leaders decided to stay away. They suspect current President Joseph Kabila of seeking to remain in power beyond his current term, using the political dialogue to sanction his decision. President Kabila ends his second and final term in December 2016. 

Vital Kamerhe, who has been chosen as the co-chair of the political dialogue, has, in his first speech,  called on other opposition leaders to join the dialogue, which, in his opinion is

Read more …Political Dialogue Opens in DRC: Vital Kamerhe, the Next Prime Minister?

Rwandan Ambassador Gasana Wagging a Finger While Deriding US Ambassador Samantha Power

On August 10, 2016, Rwandan dictator General Paul Kagame has fired Rwandan UN Ambassador Eugene Richard Gasana. According to sources in Rwanda,  the ambassador was expected to be recalled, but not fired. Hence firing the ambassador came as a surprise.

On Monday March 21, 2016,   Ambassador Eugene Richard Gasana, a close confident and alleged business associate of Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame, transformed the United Nations Security Council into a circus during a debate on Conflict and Peace in the Great Lakes Region of Africa (see here). Rwandan

Read more …Rwandan Ambassador, Eugene Richard Gasana Fired, for Belittling US Ambassador Power or Due to...

Rwandan Maj Theogene Rudasingwa, Gen Paul Kagame, and Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa were once closest RPF leaders: they are now on 3 opposing camps

"Through the disruptive influence of Lt. Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa and his Tutsi military allies, and the acquiescence of Hutu elements in the Bureau of the Executive Committee, a proposal for the reformed statute of the organization was deemed unimportant and shelved, without giving a chance to the Executive Committee, the Political Bureau and RNC members to discuss it, "  Dr Theogene Rudasingwa, the embattled leader of Rwandan National Congress (RNC), one of the main Rwandan opposition parties in exile,  said in a statement on July 1st,  2016. According to the same statement Major Dr Rudasingwa , his brother Dr. Gerald Gahima, Joseph Ngarambe and Jonathan Musonera have decided to form a new party, "New-RNC".

Read more …Rwanda: What Do you Do When Opposition Dismantles Itself?FDLR, now RNC

Rwanda: Do not politicize Memories, Honor and Rebuilding

Read more …Rwanda: Do not politicize Memories, Honor and Rebuilding

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