Rwandan Last Tutsi Monarch Kigeli V Ndahindurwa

Kigeli V Ndahindurwa, the last  Tutsi Monarch of Rwanda, died on Sunday, October 16, 2016. He has been living in exile in the US since early 1990's, where he applied for a political asylum in 1992, after criss-crossing Eastern African countries, from Congo, Tanzania,  Burundi, Uganda, to Kenya.

 Kigeli, who was driven into exile less than a year into his reign,  became the monarch of Rwanda in 1959 after his half-brother,  Mutara III Rudahigwa, died suddenly under mysterious circumstances. Mutara Rudahirwa,  having no children, left the throne  to his half brother in a contested succession, that some at the court viewed as not compliant with the usual Rwandan royal customs.  Kigeli Ndahindurwa's reign also coincided with a wave of independence movements across Africa and the rising discontent  among the majority ethnic Hutus, maintained under a virtual slavery by both the

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Vital Kamerhe (left) chats with Thambwe Mwamba and Edem Kodjo in Kinshasa, in Oct, 2016

Congolese long-time political opposition leader, Vital Kamerhe will become the next prime minister, sources close to the Presidency of the Democratic Republic of the Congo told AfroAmerica on Thursday October 13, 2016. According to the sources, the decision was reached thanks to the mediation from Angolan President DeSantos and Southern African Development Community (SADC).  On Wednesday evening,  Vital Kamerhe and DRC President Joseph Kabila met at the Presidential palace, to agree on the final details of their deal. The deal was reached after more than a month of a political dialogue and riots by those opposed to the dialogue.

Read more …Political Dialogue in DRC: Vital Kamerhe To Become Next Prime Minister, Sources in Kinshasa Say

General Paul Kagame, the commander of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) and the de facto leader of the Rwandan Patriotic Front rebels is responsible for the assassination of late Rwandan President General Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian President Cyprien Ntaryamira, their close aides and the French flight crew,  General Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, former chief of staff of the RPA has lately testified in a sworn confidential statement in front of French prosecutors. The latest testimony has led to the reopening of a formal investigation, that had been  suspended years ago, without much explanations. Presidents Habyarimana and Ntaryamira were assassinated on the

Read more …Gen Kagame Assassinated Presidents Habyarimana and Ntaryamira, Testifies Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa For...

DRC Civil Riots on Sep 19-20, 2016

The US Government has ordered  family members of the US Government personnel to immediately  leave the restless central African nation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The order, issued by the  U.S. Department of State on Sep 29, 2016,  warns U.S. citizens of continued instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and continued security deterioration in the capital Kinshasa and around the country.  

The  country has been rocked by major civil unrests following political uncertainty about the upcoming presidential elections. On September 19 and 20,

Read more …US Government Orders US Citizens to Leave Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

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