Claudine Nadine Kasinge and her 7-year old baby sleeping in Nairobi Airport, Kenya, boarding room.

The Rwandan government has allegedly  refused entry to  Rwanda  to a 7-month old Rwandan baby returning from exile with her mother.  The mother, Claire Nadine Kasinge and her baby have since Wednesday November 23rd, 2016,  been sleeping on the floor or the chairs in the Nairobi, Kenya airport boarding room.

Claire Nadine Kasinge is the spokesperson of ISHEMA, a Rwandan political party based in exile and co-founded by Father Thomas Nahimana, a Catholic priest. Father Nahimana, 45, on his return to Rwanda, after 11 years of exile, was barred from boarding a flight to Kigali, Rwanda on Wednesday Nov 23th, 2016, a statement from

Read more …Rwandan Government Refuses Entry to a 7-month old Rwandan baby returning from exile.

Thuli Madonsela

Her last job was South Africa Ombudsman or Public Protector. That was the official title, related to her function  as the prosecutor of misconducts and crimes, including embezzlement, corruption, and abuses of all sorts by public officials. But to the common  South African people, she is known, as she puts it herself, as makhadzi, or  the one  who "gives the people a voice, while giving the leaders a conscience".  

That is why, across the World, she  is widely labelled "South Africa's biggest tell-tale" or "the crusader against corruption". "She” is

Read more …Thuli Madonsela, The South African Woman Who Took On Jacob Zuma and The Zupta

DRC Opposition Leader Vital Kamerhe, too confident to read signs of backstabbing

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) president Joseph Kabila has, against all expectations,  appointed a new Prime minister to lead the transition toward elections. The new prime minister, Samy Badibanga, is a lawyer and a former diamonds dealer, who once was a member of Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) party founded by veteran Etienne Tshisekedi. He was expelled from the party when he joined the parliament, against UDPS's directives. Immediately after the nomination, UDPS leaders have declared  Samy Badibanga's appointment as a "non-event."

Etienne Tshisekedi and his supporters claim that Etienne Tshisekedi is the country's "president elect" since the last presidential poll in 2011.

What is most surprising about the nomination is that most expected that  Vital Kamerhe, the leader of  Union for the Congolese Nation (UNC) would be the

Read more …DR Congo: Presumed Prime Minister, Vital Kamerhe Backstabbed by Joseph Kabila?

DRC main political leaders: Joseph Kabila & Vital Kamerhe vs Moise Katumbi and Etienne Tshisekedi

As predicted in our in September 2016 and October 2016  articles (see Political Dialogue Opens in DRC: Vital Kamerhe, the Next Prime Minister? and  Political Dialogue in DRC: Vital Kamerhe To Become Next Prime Minister, Sources in Kinshasa Say) it has become now clearer that Vital Kamerhe is set to become the next  Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

According to sources in Kinshasa, his imminent official appointment may happen next week. He has already the backing,  not only of  DRC President Joseph Kabila, but also the most influential heads of state of the region, including Jose Eduardo De Santos of Angola, Jacob Zuma of South Africa, and Sassoou Ngu'esso of the Republic of Congo. He has also secured the support from Southern African Development Community (SADC), International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), and the African Union (AU).

Read more …DR Congo: Vital Kamerhe to set up new government; US Investigating Joseph Kabila's Close Aides for...

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