AroniSmart™ Tech: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Apple, Inc is ready for Artificial Intelligence.  Its technology focus has shifted from Machine Learning to  Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Apple's focus was uncovered when it announced the plan to hire engineers with a background or interest in Generative AI. Generative AI  will help Apple to shape its strategy, advance its plan,  achieve the goals, and reach the vision  in  AI.  The success in Generative AI will help Apple to deal with the "AI race"  on which other tech companies are competing on. 

But, what is  really Artificial Intelligence (AI)?  Let us look at its structure, types, functionalities, domains, focus, and stages,  below....

Read more …AroniSmart™ Tech: Race for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Among Big Tech Companies, including...

AroniSmartIntelligence Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Time Series Analysis, Bayesian Models, Neural Network, and Text Analytics

The latest version of  AroniSmartIntelligence ™ is available in App Store®, with  optimized Machine Learning  including Support Vector Machine, Neural Networks,  and the latest advances in Econometrics, Time Series Analysis. Forecasting, Marketing Mix Analytics, and Text and Sentiment Analytics (NLP).  

Explore and know more by downloading the demo here (click on the link to download the demo). Also, check more detailed instructions below on how to download the demo of an application (AroniSmartInvest or AroniSmartIntelligence).

Read more …Download a Free Demo of AroniSmartIntelligence™ with Machine Learning, Neural Network,...

AroniSmartLytics Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Time Series Analysis, Bayesian Models and Text Analytics

AroniSmaLytics ( also known as AroniSmartIntelligence) ™ is now availe in  App Store®, with a module on Machine Learning Support Vector Machine  and the latest advances in Time Series Analysis. Forecasting.  Explore and know more by downloading the demo here (click on the link to download the demo)

Read more …Download a Free Demo of AroniSmartLytics™ with Machine Learning and Advanced Time Series Analysis

AroniSmart™: Most Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning and Investment Research Tools built for Mac OS X

Temporay price reductions on Apple's App Store®,  for the latest versions of AroniSmartInvest™ and AroniSmartLytics™.    AroniSmartInvest™ combines advanced Stock Segmentation, Sentiment and Text Analytics and Bayes Network Models and Machine Learning, to advance informed stock market and investment research.

Read more …Temporary Price Reduction in App Store® for AroniSmartInvest™ and AroniSmartLytics™: Advanced...

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