AroniSmartIntelligence in Action: Electric Car and Battery Innovation Major Players

Lithium, a critical component in electric vehicle batteries,  is in high demand.  The demand for lithium  has been rising, as the share of electric vehicles has been increasing.  In fact, major dominating technology companies in the last five years include those leveraging electric cars and new batteries. However, the market for battery-grade lithium is way larger, beyond Electric vehicles. In fact most of portable electronics, the laptops and tablets and smartphones depend lithium-ion batteries.  The key major player for Lithium production  is the African continent. Hence, the question iis whether Africans, especially leaders are ready?

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AroniSmartIntelligence in Action: Electric Car and Battery Innovation Major Players

Major dominating technology companies in 2020 include those leveraging electric cars and new batteries. The high market demand of innovative batteries, based on storing solar energy power and the focus on and the fast momentum in cutting-edge battery development is being driven in most part by factors such as the desire of self-sufficiency, the lower buyback rates from energy companies, and heightened environmental concerns.

Tesla (TSLA) was arguably the pioneer in such battery and electric car technologies. This pioneering steps have translated in a fast growth of the company and a commanding presence on the markets. In fact, within 5 years, Tesla (TSLA) shares have risen by close to 650%, with most of the growth (500%) happening in just the last 12 months. However, Tesla is about to face a stiff competition in the years to come, even starting in the upcoming few months.

Read more …AroniSmartIntelligence™ in Action: Electric Car and Battery Innovation Major Players

Massachusetts physicist and assistant professor at the prestigious Massachussets Institute of Techology (MIT), the 31-year old Jeremy England,  claims that he solved the mystery of how life emerged from matter. According to Professor England, the origin of life,  often attributed to luck or labeled as some kind of miracle, acctually is predictale under the right conditions. Under these conditions, the creation of life is predictably unavoidable. See his lecture.

Jeremy England's Lecture About Life

Jeremy England's Lecture About Life


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