On Tuesday March 8th, 2016, Bernie Sanders' win in Michigan gave an unexpected blow to Hillary Clinton's self assured coronation to become the Democratic nominee for the 2016 US Presidential elections. When Hillary Clinton showed up on Wednesday, that aura of invincibility appeared to be gone. As the reality of her loss was sinking in, it appeared, based on his supporters dispatched across the US media, that Bernie Sanders had, not only shown his political revolution
White House
AfroAmerica Network Endorses Bernie Sanders For US President
Today, we, at AfroAmerica Network, have decided to endorse Bernie Sanders for President of the United States. We believe that Bernie Sanders, more than any other candidate has started a transformational movement. The "political revolution" to pull America from the grip of a few to the benefits of the many will reaffirm the greatness of America, continue the road started by President Barack Obama and solidify a nation for the people and by the people, not one controlled by special interests and big money; a Nation when the leaders speak for and represent the people, not the wealthy or special groups. We believe that it is only in such a nation that African
After Huge Win in New Hampshire Bernie Sanders Seeking Black Votes
Bernie Sanders' win in New Hampshire primary over Hillary Clinton was huge. It was really YUUUGE, as Bernard Sanders is used to saying in his Brooklyn accent; his supporters claimed to have experienced the "Feel the Bern" phenomenon in New Hampshire.
After the win in New Hampshire, the attention now turns to Nevada, but most importantly to South Carolina, where Black votes will matter. Bernie Sanders, although making significant progress with minorities, still lags behind Hillary Clinton.
Hence, he did not waste any time to court perhaps the most prominent Black Civil Rights activist today, Reverend Al Sharpon. Today, in a highly
Bernie Sanders: Will Political Revolution Lead to US Presidency

Bernie Sanders, Senator Nina Turner, Professor Cornell West, and Rapper Killer Mike Chatting About Martin Luther Jr.'s Day
His ideas are self explanatory and his message is simple, time tested and consistent since he first appeared on the political scene decades ago. He summarizes his political action by referring to the work by Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. “Let me tell you what kind of blew me away when you think about Dr. King’s life. Obviously it took an enormous amount of courage to stand up to the segregationists, racists — they got jailed, they got beaten up — an incredible amount of courage. But what impressed me even more … he could’ve rested on his laurels. The establishment would’ve said, ‘You are a great black leader. Look what you did: You got the Voting Rights Act. Wow! You broke down segregation in the South. Incredible! But you know what? This is what courage is about. He said, ‘Enough.’ If he was going to be consistent with his own inner soul, he had to ask other questions, ” Bernie Sanders, because it is him, said during a discussion about Dr Martin Luther King Jr.' Day, which was live-streamed on his campaign’s website. He was discussing with three Black Leaders: Ohio Senator