Disclaimer and Terms for AroniSoft, AronInvest, AroniSmartInvest, AroniStat, AroniSmartStat, and AroniStrategicAnalytics

Opinions expressed in AroniSoft LLC  websites are based on our own research. Our opinions and positions may change subject to new information, research, new data, and other conditions and events. AroniSoft LLC is a fee-only  consultant or contracted investment, technology , business or strategic analyst. We are compensated only by our clients or through advertisements. We do not sell securities or non proprietary solutions or receive any compensation from securities or technology sales from third parties. We do not receive any form of revenue or incentive from any source other than directly from clients. We are not affiliated with any securities dealer, any fund, any fund sponsor or any company issuer of any security.

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Welcome to AroniSmart™

Thank you for selecting AroniSmart Tools, analytical, statistical, research, data mining tool built for the Mac OS platforms. We recommend that you read this manual to familiarize yourself with the installation and basic operation of AroniSmart Tools. You may also wish to read or skim to any chapters that cover features you frequently use. Softwares, especially this, are most useful when used. In fact, as and because you use it, you get more insights into the world of Analytics.

Read more …AroniSmart Terms and Contacts

AroniSoft and Decision Making

Corporations, Leaders and Individuals are always faced with complex problems. They have to make decisions to resolve these problems and make significant advances. Complex problems arise everywhere where humans need to make decisions: in systems of men and women, machines, technologies, material, money, and financial instruments whether in businesses, government, defense, industries, or organizations.

Read more …Why AroniSoft