AroniSmartIntelligence™ 9.x with General Non Linear Models

AroniSmartLytics™  version 9.x, with Improved Advanced Non Linear  and Econometrics models, improved machine learning and advanced analytics algorithms is coming and will soon be available in Apple App Store®. The prior version focused on Attribution Models and Dominance Analysis, with a focus on how predictors contribute to overall performance. Following multiple requests and feedback from our clients and users, the new version of AroniSmartLytics™ will push the edge further with General Non Linear Models, Advanced Analytics and Marketing Mix models  are implemented in AroniSmartLytics™ Regression, Econometrics, and Time Series module.

Read more …AroniSmartIntelligence™: Version 9.x with Improved Non Linear and Econometrics Models Soon...

AroniSmartLytics™: Attribution Models and Dominance Analysis

AroniSmartLytics™  version 8.0.3, with Dominance Analysis and Attribution models, improved machine learning and advanced analytics algorithms is now available in Apple App Store®. Attribution Models and Dominance Analysis, with a focus on how predictors contribute to overall performance measure are implemented in AroniSmartLytics™ Regression, Econometrics, and Time module.

Dominance Analysis  included in AroniSmaLytics (AroniSmartIntelligence) ™ was driven by the increasing importance of digital media advertisement, omni-channels and technolgical advances.

Read more …AroniSmartLytics™: Version 8.0.3 with Attribution Models and Dominance Analysis Available in App...

AroniSmartLytics™: Attribution Models and Dominance Analysis

AroniSmartLytics™ Regression, Econometrics, and Time module has implemented Attribution Models and Dominance Analysis, with a focus on how predictors contribute to overall performance measure.

Dominance Analysis  included in AroniSmaLytics (AroniSmartIntelligence) ™ was driven by the increasing importance of digital media advertisement, omni-channels and technolgical advances.

Read more …AroniSmartLytics™: Attribution Models and Dominance Analysis

AroniSmartLytics™ : Advanced Time Series Analysis and Forecasted Based on Machine Learning Methodologies

AroniSmart™ team recently disclosed that a major improvement of both AroniSmaLytics (AroniSmartIntelligence) ™  and AroniSmartInvest™ will soon be released.  Both tools , built for Mac OS X®,  will include the latest advances in Time Series Analysis, Forecasting, and Machine Learning. The first tool, AroniSmaLytics (AroniSmartIntelligence) ™ will be soon released in App Store®

Read more …AroniSmartLytics™: Machine Learning with Support Vector Machine and Advanced Time Series Analysis

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