Beyond Ethnic Politics and Fear: Hutu, Tutsi, and Ethnicity in Rwanda
New Jersey, USA, May 19, 2009.
AroniSmart™ tools's customers, including savvy investors, advanced analytics, data science, and machine learning experts and practitioners, academics, students have given improvement ideas and AroniSmart Team has listened, anticipated, and acted: AroniSmartLytics™ and AroniSmartInvest™ have made advances to inform investment decisions.
"Welcome", is about slavery, repression and human rights abuses. Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. Photo taken on August 21, 2011
On November 13, 2016, I attended a Christian church fellowship in Brooklyn, New York, at the Brown Memorial Baptist Church. Brown Memorial Baptist Church, that is celebrating 100 year-anniversary of its creation, has played a key role in the American Civil Rights movement. Along with others from major African-American churches, such as the South Carolina Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church (see here), the Church leaders and members rallied, comforted, and gave hope to millions of African-Americans and minorities and served as a pillar of strength to lean on during trying times.
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