2024 Super Tuesday is gone and the results are in. Super Tuesday is when a large number of US states hold votes in the presidential primary election. Voters in 15 states and one US territory chose the candidates for president. The candidates were from the major two political parties and included a few independents. After the elections, the results are clear: President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump are winners. The focus of the voters has now shifted to the two leaders on the critical topics and issues in play in the US, especially regarding the economy, immigration, healthcare, and International politics.
Even before the 2024 Presidential elections, there have been high expectations about former President Donald Trump getting ready for a determined comeback to unseat President Joe Biden, who beat him in the 2020 elections. The odds of Donald Trump seeking the presidency have been fueled by his controversial actions since he lost elections (see What Happened to Joe Biden's and Kamala Harris' Healthcare Agenda and 2024 Election Speculations On Pete Buttigieg, Stacey Abrams, and Donald Tump).
Now, it is no longer a speculation: Donald Trump is in. However, the speculations on the democratic side remain despite the win by President Joe Biden. The on-going rumors before the 2024 elections started were that President Joe Biden could opt-out and let Vice-President run for the US Presidency.
The states that held elections on the Super Tuesday are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia. Caucuses are also held in the US territory of American Samoa.
The GOP Republican party primary elections were held in all of the 15 states. The Democrats primary elections were in 14 states and the US territory of American Samoa, not in Alaska and Democrats were still waiting for the results in Iowa that were held by post.
Republicans held caucuses in Alaska and Utah, whereas Democrats held caucuses in the following the U.S. territory of American Samoa.
The results are clear. Joe Biden won the Democratic contests in 14 states and Iowa, where the votes were by post. He only lost in the American Samoa territory by 11 votes. Donald Trump won the Republican contests in 14 states, losing only the state of Vermont to Nikki Haley. After the elections, Nikki Haley decided to suspend her presidential race campaign, but refrained from supporting any of the candidates.
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The Dynamics Have Shifted to Achievements and Expressed Positions by Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
Based on early projections, even before the elections, it appeared Joe Biden and Donald Trump would be the winning candidates and there may be a repeat of the 2020 dynamics (see here: US 2024 Presidential Elections: Super Tuesday To Determine the 2024 General Elections Candidates for the White House).
To win the nomination, a minimum of 1,215 delegates are needed for the Republicans, and 1,968 delegates for the Democrats. Joe Biden has now 1,497 delegates, whereas Donald Trump has now 1,004 delegates.
Hence, as predicted, the elections on Super Tuesday determined the potential candidates of the two main parties in the November 2024 general elections. Even though there are independent candidates, including Robert F Kennedy Junior, Professor Cornell West, and Dr Jill Stein, the odds of them winning the 2024 Presidential elections are not significant.
Immediately after the Super Tuesday elections, the dynamics have shifted to endless discussions and political negotiations going in the US Congress on the economic plan and budgets, world politics, immigration and healthcare.
The potential voters from the two political parties are comparing the positions and past achievements of the two leaders on these critical topics. Their leanings towards who to vote for in the November 2024 presidential election appear be driven by the recorded achievements and publicly expressed or perceived positions on these issues by both Joe Biden and Donald Trump during their time as president and candidate.
AfroAmerica Network is closely following the elections.
@AfroAmerica Network, 2024
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