AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Stocks, Market Profile Analysis April 2, 2021

On April 19, 2021, the stock market sentiment remains positive. However, investors appear to have started focusing on one of the key questions: what is coming next? The answer to the question remains elusive, especially after the up and down movements, around an overall upward trend,  observed since the beginning of the year.   In the previous analyses,  AroniSmart™ team has shown major positive signs at the start of Q2 2021, looking at  the volatility dynamics  observed in March and February 2021,  (see some dynamics here: )

On April 19, 2021 the stock market performance appears to be impacted  by factors similar to those that were driving the volatility as of April 2, 2021:  speculative considerations on the economy,  profit taking,  bonds prices,  interest rates,  options trading, political agenda, and  related news about some key stocks, especially those related to Electic Vehicules (EV) Technology, Solar Energy, Cryptocurrency, Retail, and Banking.

Read more …AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks on April 19, 2021; Machine Learning, Bayesian Network,...

AroniSmartIntelligence™ 9.0.0 with General Non Linear Models

AroniSmartLytics™ or AroniSmartIntelligence™  version 9.0.0, with improved Advanced Non-Linear and Econometrics models, improved machine learning and advanced analytics algorithms is available in Apple App Store®. Among the improved Advanced Analytics are Non Linear Models. The Non-Linear Models included the Generalized Non-Linear Models,  Multiplicative models, Generalized Logit Models and Log-Log models.

The non-linear models capabilities address multiple requests and feedbacks from our clients and users, regarding implementing General Non Linear Models, Advanced Analytics and Marketing Mix models in AroniSmartLytics™ Regression, Econometrics, and Time Series module.

Read more …AroniSmartIntelligence™: Developing and Running Machine Learning and Non-Linear Econometrics...

AroniSmartInvest In Action: Amazon, Wal*Mart, and Whole Foods

As the retail market landscape has been going through dramatic changes, retailers have engaged head-to-head competition, sometimes with dramatic results. The focus is now on Wal*Mart against Amazon.

Read more …AroniSmart In Action: Amazon, Wal*Mart, and Whole Foods or the Battle of Giants to Dominate the...

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