Apple stock (NASDAQ: AAPL) has been soaring. Year-to-date (YTD), the stock is up 35%, from $115.82 on Dec 30, 2016 to $155.47 on May 16, 2017 and 65% up from a year ago. The question may be now: where is the stock headed? Should savvy investors load, hold, or download for profit-taking Apple stock. The answer is not easy. AroniSmartInvest analytics and the market sentiment give hints.
AroniSmartInvest In Action: A few stocks picked with Text Sentiment Analytics & Machine Learning to Watch in May 2017
On May 5, 2017, AroniSmartInvest In Action™ picked, leveraging the proprietary advanced Text and Sentiment Analytics, Stock Segmentation, and Machine Learning a few promising stocks . The stocks were picked based on YTD performance and other market drivers, but also the sentiment expressed in stock and market news.
AroniSmartInvest In Action: 3M News and Performance Momentum,
3M (NYSE: MMM) has been on roll for the last months. AroniSmartInvest in Action™ has included the stock on the list to watch for potential upside opportunities.
Performance of stocks picked by AroniSmartInvest in Action™ in 2016 - How did we do?
In early 2016, AroniSmartInvest In Action™ picked promising stocks for 2016. Based on the proprietary advanced analytics, but also on predicted and observed challenges and opportunities 2016, AroniSmartInvest™ In Action picked a few affordable international stocks and put them on the watch list.