On February 23, 2021, the stock market went on a drive and experienced a wild day, with the stock market rally for the Nasdaq and some key stocks, related to Electic Vehicules (EV), being impacted by unexplained or somewhat speculative actions. The stocks highly impacted include Tesla (TSLA), China EV rivals Nio (NIO) and WorkHorse Group (WKHS), the Bitcoin, Upwork (UPWK), Disney (DIS), Apple (AAPL), MicroSoft (MSFT), JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and others. The Nasdaq fell more than 3% intraday, to finally rally back to a modest loss. AroniSmart™ team, leveraging the Machine Learning, Big Data ,Bayesian Network Analysis, Neural Network Analysis, Text Analytics, and Sentiment and Valence Analysis capabilities of the new improved AroniSmartInvest™, looked at the stock performance, market sentiment index and events driving the stock market in February 2021 ( For More on AroniSoft LLC and AroniSmart products click here).
From the analysis, AroniSmart team contines to build on earlier analyses in 2021 (see here AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Machine Learning, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment and Key Stocks in January 2021). AroniSmart™ team's analyses continue to show that the market sentiment remains positive across the board, with increasing uncertainty and volatility.
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A little bit of the insights on the market events and sentiments, from AroniSmart™ team's findings, based on the data as of February 23, 2021. AroniSmart™ team analyzed the key stories, leveraging the Machine Learning, Big Data Bayesian Network Analysis, Neural Network Analysis, Text Analytics, and Sentiment and Valence Analysis capabilities of AroniSmartInvest™ and AroniSmartIntelligence™ and uncovered actionable insights.
General Market Events and Sentiments
In general, the Market Sentiment remains close to positive, but, fluctuates across several sectors and sites, especially in news related to the stock market, the inflation, and the pandemic. The sentiment on stock related news remains positive ( average positivity >50%). The analysis cleary identifies multiple dynamics, for the stock profile, the segmentation of stocks, the market profile and the sentiment in general, even within the general positivity trends.
The key stocks tickers, with high overall index in the AroniSmartInvest Tags word cloud and Bayesian Network analysis and , as of February 23, 2021 are shown in the Bayesian Network and Sentiment Analysis below.
AroniSmartIntelligence™ Analysis of Positive and Negative Sentiment words.
Based on the analysis, as depicted in the Words Cloud and Tags view below, it was found that the the positivity (see words in green) is driven by words such as Health, saving, modern, interest, gain, relief, boost, bolster, support, , upbeat, uphold, blossom, improve, enthusiam, smart, oustmart, etc. The words point to the performance of the stock market, new innovations, and the government support to improve economic performance.
The negativity appears to come from the volatility, sudden news, earnings, and uncertainty .
AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks Driving the Market Sentiment
Based on the analysis, it was found that the sectors driving the markets continue to be TECH, EV, Retail, and Healthcare. The previous analyses showed a strong and steady momentum. In the current analysis, the trends, although mainly postive, show an increased volatility across the board. See below, WMT.
More detailed analyses, including stock segmentation and profile analysis can be conducted using Big Data, Machine Learning, Time Series and Sentiment Analysis capabilities of AroniSmartInvest and AroniSmartIntelligence™.
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Statisticians, Data Scientists, Business and Financial Analysts, Savvy Investors, Engineers, Researchers, Students, Teachers, Economists, Political Analysts, and most of the practitioners use Advanced Analytics to answer questions, to support informed decision making or to learn.
AroniSmartIntelligence™ is a leading Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Science tool, with optimized cutting edge Statistics models, Econometrics, Big Data and Text Analytics.
AronismartIntelligence™ includes modules covering Machine Learning and Big Data mining, Unstructured Text Analysis, Sentiment and Emotion Analytics, Bayesian Statistics and other advanced analytics.
@2021 AroniSoft LLC
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