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General Paul Kagame’s Aides Refused Visas for the Visit to France

Sources close to the French and Spanish judiciary and the Rwandan Embassy in New York have informed AfroAmerica Network that some of the Rwandan President’s closest aides set to accompany the President during his official trip to France planned for September 13, 2011 have been barred from entering France or were refused visa.

Most of these officials are among those indicted by Spain for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Others are  on the list of  the alleged criminals the French judiciary is investigating for the assassination of the former Rwandan and Burundian  Presidents Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira by the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), the current military junta ruling Rwanda. Set to be  issued earlier this year ,  in March 2011, the indictments were pushed  back for May 2011 and then to after the planned historic visit of the Rwandan President to France.

Those who were refused the visa include Dan Munyuza, the Director of  External Intelligence and General Karenzi Karake, the head of National Intelligence and Security Services, Gasana Rurayi, Frank Bakunzi, and Wilson Gaboniza.

Expressing his frustration with the Spanish indictments, today, while addressing the leaders of the Rwandan judiciary system, the Rwandan President General Paul Kagame openly accused  Spain and Western governments of arrogance and the Spanish judge Fernando Andreu Mirelles of being irresponsible and irrational  and having issued the indictments recklessly and with political motives. General Paul Kagame added that the indictments are aimed at hindering international traveling by his closest aides.

President Paul Kagame also disclosed that some of the alleged criminals have attempted to hand themselves to international judiciary systems but were not arrested or tried. According to the New York  Rwandan Embassy sources, he was alluding to General Karake Karenzi, who was not indicted by the ICTR Chief Prosecutor Hassan Jallow (see our article: Will The New ICTR Prosecutor Focus on Rwandan RPF Crimes?).

 In the last years, as most countries are executing the Spanish indictments, several aides of the the Rwandan president were either detained or expelled from the countries. These includes: Colonel Rugumya Gacinya expelled from the USA, General James Kabarebe arrested and expelled from South Africa, Cesar Kayizari and Dan Gapfizi expelled from the USA, General Karenzi Karake, fired from the UN Peace Keeping operations.

The French Judiciary system is expected to issue its own indictments after General Paul Kagame’s visit, whereas the United Nations Security Council  is expected to ask the new ICTR Chief to open cases against the Rwandan Patriotic Front.

©AfroAmerica Network. September 2011


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  • Joseph Tulikungoyi September 13, 2011, 6:30 am

    Some tutsis who do not see far beyond still praising Kagame and his inner cicle, thinking that the world is in their hands. The fact that they have been speading lies and rumours to the whole world, doesn’t justify the total surrender of global justice understanding and facts. To refuse rwandan killers some visas is an ultimate right for governments. Bill clinton, Tony blair and other Lobbying puppets for Kagame are tired of not sleepping but spend days and nights in diverting truth and end of justice.
    God still in controle.

  • Dr Muyango Emile Karama September 9, 2011, 1:06 pm

    Ibyo twumva niyuko hari amatiku menshi ino South Africa. Kandi bamwe bahagarariye Mr Kayumba Nyamwasa muribo harimo “Interahamwe”.They can gather together in “mugunga”.Nukwitonda.
    La France et les USA doivent faire attention car ne pas donner le visa aux autorites Rwandaises est une faute grave.
    Ils doivent etre donnees les visas aussitot et plus vite que possible.
    All must be remitted their requests.

    Dr Muyango Emile Karama.